Hello People! I'm Gauri Ruhal,
I'm a Student Developer
About Me

Hello All!

I am a student developer, currently in my final semester of Software Engineering.
I am naturally curious, confidently perseverant and constantly working to improve my skill-set one project at a time.
I'm personally very passionate about sustainability and
I like working on projects that focusses more on solving real-world problems.

As a Lifelong learner, I believe constantly improving my skills and exploring new ideas is indispensable to my craft.

And these are the Tech I am familiar with

I'm a B.Tech Computer Science specialized in Software Engineering student. I am naturally curious, confidently perseverant and constantly working to improve my skill-set one project at a time.
I'm personally very passionate about sustainability and
I like working on projects that focusses more on solving real-world problems

As a Lifelong learner, I believe constantly improving my skills and exploring new ideas is indispensable to my craft.

And these are the Tech I am familiar with

My Skills



Cloud Platform

My main area of expertise currently is in front-end web development(client side of the web).

I am familiar with a lot of tech tools which I use in my projects. My interests, however, extend beyond web and I love building apps, taking part
in competitive coding competitions and contributing to open-source.

I like to learn new things and I am currently exploring Storage Systems

My Work
Contact Me



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